Town Crest

Neath Town Council’s Armorial Bearings reach back to pre-Roman times. The motto “Tu Nidum Servas” is translated into “Thou guardest Neath” with the Romans using the ancient Celtic “Nid” (a river goddess) to make their name for Neath as “Nidum,”. The shield is derived from the original Seal showing the Castle and ships signifying Neath’s early development as a significant fortified trading port. The closed helm, above, is associated with Robert Fitzhammon Lord of Glamorgan in the 11th Century and William, Earl of Gloucester, who granted Neath an early charter in 12th Century. The tower is a reminder of Neath’s fortifications, coloured black to emphasise coal, whilst the Roman eagle (crest), with its steel collar, breathes flames, representing the heavy metal industry.

The supporters, or dragons, symbolise Neath’s Welshness; their crowns, a link to the Welsh Princes and their shields from the Clare and Despenser families who granted early charters to the town

Neath’s two Maces and Seal date back to 1706 when they were commissioned and produced by John Gibbon of Foster Lane, Cheapside. Made of silver to standard purity they were tested at the London Office in 1705-06