

The Council’s standing and sub-committees meet at 6.00 p.m. on a monthly cycle.

Please note that should any member of the public wish to join virtually, they will need to email the Town Clerk in advance of the Meeting in order that a link can be provided. Those who wish to attend the Meeting in Council Chambers will also need to notify the Town Clerk to gain access. Public attendance will be in an observer capacity.

  • Full Council – 1st Thursday of the month
  • Estates Committee – 2nd Thursday of the month
  • Events Committee – 2nd Tuesday of the month
  • Finance Committee – 3rd Thursday of the month
  • Personnel & Policy Committee – Monthly (timing confirmed each month due to availability)

Notice of Meetings

At least three clear days (not including the days of issue and meeting) before a council meeting takes place, or if the meeting is convened at shorter notice, at the time it is convened, a notice of the time and place of the meeting will be displayed on this website and the council’s public notice board. However, the chairman of a committee or sub-committee can call a meeting at 24 hours’ notice if a matter to be discussed is considered to be urgent.

Details of the council’s meeting arrangements are published on this website and digital notice board. Please scroll down this page to view the schedule of up and coming meetings.

Admission to Meetings

The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Section 1, extended by the Local Government Act 1972 Section 100, provides that meetings of the council (including committees and sub-committees) shall be open to the press and public.

If you wish to attend a particular meeting please contact us via telephone during normal working hours or email [email protected]. A range of options will be afforded to you to attend in person at the main meeting venue or remotely (by electronic invitation or telephone) if desired.

Occasionally during meetings provision is made for excluding the press and public by resolution when confidential business is being considered (or for other special reasons stated in the resolution) and publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest. As a general rule items such as staffing matters, tendering decisions, contractual negotiations, legal proceedings and sensitive issues or disputes would not be discussed in public.

Public Participation

Neath Town Council is required to facilitate public participation at its Full Council meetings.  This does not mean that members of the public can take part in debate, but they must be given a reasonable opportunity at the beginning of the meeting to ask questions and make representations about the business to be discussed or transacted at the meeting and which is open for public discussion (confidential business is excluded).  The person presiding over the Full Council meeting (normally the Mayor) must give members of the public in attendance a reasonable opportunity to ask questions and make representations about any business to be discussed at the meeting, unless doing so is likely to prejudice the effective conduct of the meeting. Public participation at Full Council meetings does not apply to committee and sub-committee meetings.

In accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders, the opportunity for public questions is hereby included as an item on each Full Council agenda. Details of any questions submitted will be reported.

(Note: Questions must be submitted to the Clerk in writing within 3 clear working days of the date of the meeting by 12 noon. A question asked by a member of the public during a public participation session at a meeting shall not require a response or debate)